Learning Ruby On Rails: Day 10

Morgan Fogarty
3 min readOct 29, 2018
“Black and Blue: The Invisible Man and the Masque of Blackness” Artist: Zak Ové

In an attempt to learn more, faster, I’m changing the style of these posts a little. I’ll be sharing notes, rather than creating micro tutorials of what I’ve learned each day.

  • Action Pack: the Controller and View Rails component.
  • We generate dynamic content in our views with Embedded Ruby (erb).
  • Ruby is an object oriented programming language.
  • Local variables, method names and method parameters should all start with a lower case letter or underscore.
  • Instance variables begin with an @.
  • Use underscores to separate words.
  • Class names are capitalized and CamelCased.
  • Symbols are string literals magically made into constants.
  • Everything in Ruby is an object.
  • Double quotes are used for expression interpolation, and for strings that have single quotes in them. Example: "Let's hang out".
  • Arrays are ordered collections of things. To reference an item in an array, you use an item’s index (which is an integer). Example: array_of_things[0].
  • Hashes are collections of key/value pairs. To reference an item in a hash, you use its key (which can be a symbol or string). Example: hash_of_things[:some_key].
  • nil is an object.
  • The << method is used to append a single value to the end of an array.
  • Hashes have keys and values.
  • The keys can be a symbol, string, or a variable that returns a symbol or string.
  • The syntax to separate a key from its value is always a hashrocket (=>).
  • The one allowed exception to this rule is if the key is a symbol, in which case the symbol can be immediately followed (no space) by a colon. And then a space.
  • That said, a symbol as a key is still allowed to use a hash rocket. (In which case the symbol’s colon goes at the start of the symbol, not the end.)
  • The colon separator is completely optional and is syntactical sugar. (ie, it’s nice and cleaner, but not required.)
  • unless is like if but it checks for the condition not to be true.
  • until is like while, but it continues until the condition evaluates to true.
  • We can put the if/unless at the end of a line of code instead of wrapping the line of code in an if/unless block. Like this:
puts “danger will Robinson” if radiation > 3000distance = distance * 1.2 while distance < 100
  • Two organizations for methods: classes and modules.
Class Order < ApplicationRecord  has_many :line_items  def self.find_all_unpaid    self.where(‘paid = 0’)  end  def total    sum = 0    line_items.each {|li| sum += li.total}    sum  endend

In the above code snippet:

  • Order inherits all behavior from ApplicationRecord.
  • has_many is a method defined by ActiveRecord. It is called as the Order class is being defined.
  • Prefixing a method with self makes it a class method. So it can be called anywhere on the class, instead of on an instance of that class.
  • So I could write:to_collect = Order.find_all_unpaid instead of:@order = Order.new and then: @order.find_all_unpaid.


Next post, here.



Morgan Fogarty

I’m just a girl, standing in front of some code, asking it to love her.